PGDCR from Cranfield University (U.K)
About Doctor
The journey of Kumar’s academics started from (CAEHS) and continued to accomplish his higher education from the most reputed Physiotherapy department of Post Graduate Institute (IAMR) & ICRI (Cranfield University) U.K
His paramount interest in Spine was the foremost motive to become one of the most successful researchers and experts of manipulative in Spine cases. Dr. Kumar”s believes in result-oriented treatment and not just in the number of patient treatments. He had treated thousands of cases of Spine (Slipped disc, Sciatica) his dedication and result-oriented treatment success in his 4-5 years long career. His inborn research mentality has shown him the path to modify the procedure of Manipulation/ Mobilization.
He has contributed to a number of researches in leading hospitals & research organizations. He frequently delivers lectures on ‘Ergonomics’ at various institutes and offices.
Work Experience
- MSPT Orthopaedics from IAMR, Ghaziabad, a premier post graduate institute in India.
- Worked as Assistant Researcher/Coordinator at Department of Neurology IHBAS, Delhi, India.
- Previously Researcher & Research Manager for CIDP Biotech India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, India.
- Associated with “MelanoSite” centre for advanced Vitiligo treatment and collaborative pigment cell research, for national & International patients situated in Delhi, India
Experience in global clinical research trials
- Managed a Phase III study involving a Core Neurological Disease like Moderate to Severe Alzheimer’s Disease.[Global Trial].
- Managed a Phase III study on Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. [Global Trial]
- Double-Blind Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Comparison of 23 mg X stained Release to 10 mg Y immediate Release in Patients with Moderate to Severe Alzheimer’s Disease. [Global Trial in 2008].
- Open-Label Extension Study of 23 mg X SR in Patients with Moderate to Severe Alzheimer’s Disease. [Global Trial in 2008 - 2009]
- A phase III, double blind, Placebo controlled, randomized study to determine the efficacy and safety of new investigational product, as add –on therapy in patients with Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. [Global Trial in 2008 - 2009]
- A phase III, double-blind, placebo controlled,18 month extension study to investigate the long-term efficacy and safety of a new investigational drug, as add-on therapy, in patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s. [Global Trial in 2009 - 2010].
- Safety and effectiveness of open-label Clobazam in subjects with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. [Global Trial in 2009 - 2010]
- Efficacy and safety of skin lightening topical cream in Melasma. [Global Trial in 2009 - 2010]
- Assessment of the efficacy of a 5- weeks randomized, controlled half – face treatment with topical 2.55% XYZ compared to its placebo in healthy volunteers with Acne. [Global Trial in 2010 - 2011]
Experence in General Medical Research
- Genomic research in Vitiligo.
- Large series of segmental vitiligo managed with NCES.
- Biochemical markers in Vitiligo management
- Modifications in the duration of cold trypsinization in NCES.
- NCES procedure with out collagen dressing
- Basic research to understand skin homeostasis in Vitiligo.
- Management of large patches( up to 1000cm2) with NCES.
- Management of eyelid vitiligo with NCES.
- Large series of "difficult to treat" areas with NCES.
- Role of home based phototherapy units in the efficacy of NCES