Corporate Physiotherapy Services
Ortho Neuro Physiotherapy Clinic has provided corporate physiotherapy services to a variety of companies for over a decade is a known Is a known fact that work-related musculoskeletal disorder, including strain, sprain, and back injury, account for 60% of injuries and for more than one-third of lost workday injuries They are the most prevalent, expensive and preventable work- related injury in the word today.
An employee’s health and well-being in the workplace is a crucial factor in determining their level of performance and efficiency. This factor, combined with an optimal recruiting process to ensure employees are matched to the demands of the job, can determine the success or failure of a business.
It as hours spent at work increase, so do levels of employee ill health and stress. Small wonder then that healthcare today has become a major concern for all corporations. We pride ourselves on having addressed this area of corporate health through a range of flexible and customized options. Our healthcare delivery system is specially designed to suit employee needs.
At Ortho Neuro Physiotherapy Clinic we have male and female practitioners with many years of experience who cover various areas of expertise. This includes all types of traumatic or sporting injuries, acute and chronic back, neck and joint problems, car accident victims, work related injuries, ergonomics, post-surgery and so on.

We have a varied client base that includes those with neurological problems such as stroke and head injury patients. We also treat children (not infants). All our clinicians are experienced and treat on a regular basis. We have clinicians who have additional training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), acupuncture (members of the AACP), pain management, Manual therapy, Yoga /Pilates, and many other forms of rehabilitation. We also offer Osteopathy if required.
We can also provide return to work programs, vehicle and ergonomic assessments if required. We have physiotherapists who carry out semi to fully customized orthotic provision. We access a GP (offsite) for injection therapy and can refer clients to psychotherapy and counseling if required. Patient education forms a large part of what we do. Client expectations are discussed and addressed from the outset. During the assessment, the therapist will formulate appropriate goals of treatment with the client and case manager/other practitioners if appropriate.
Our Corporate Physiotherapy Services include the following
A. Corporate Physiotherapy Services
Improve you injury management program by having a qualified Physiotherapist attend your workplace, to provide professional treatment to your employees. All equipment and consumables are provided to ensure your staff members are pain free and performing at their peak.
- Sitting posture guidelines
- Adjusting your chair to suit individual characteristics
- Correct positioning and alignment of computer monitor, mouse, keyboard and accessories
- Postural correction and stretching exercises for the neck, shoulders and upper limbs
- Recommendations regarding ergonomic aids to minimise repetitive strains
Your employees can also be treated at our clinic where we have a spacious private treatment room within a modern office park.
ONPC can provide a valuable insight to your recruiting process, by developing a specific pre-employment musculo-skeletal screening for potential candidates. This will enable you to determine if a candidates’ physical status and functional capabilities are suited to the demands of the job. The service includes an on-site visit to review the physical demands associated with the job, before developing an appropriate assessment and screening tool. Common screening parameters may include;
- Past injury history
- Range of Motion
- Posture
- Functional Strength
- Orthopaedic tests
- Abdominal strength/endurance
- Lifting and manual handling ability and technique
- Cardio-vascular fitness rating
A detailed report is provided, along with an overall risk rating for the nominated job description.
Functional assessments to ascertain the physical ability and safety of your staff
Return to work and independence program is ensuring your staff are able to return to work, following an injury, in a timely and safe manner.
Preferred provider relationship is where we will work directly with you to ensure your staff have access to timely high quality physiotherapy services to ensure a seamless and timely return to work
Job demand analysis is where one of our physiotherapists comes out to your workplace to assess an injured staff member’s capacity to return to the worksite and to identify any physical demands of the job which may prevent a safe and timely return to work Manual material handling training seminars are based around practical work scenarios pertinent to your staff needs. Seminars are based in your work environment for a period of two hours.
Pertinent to your staff needs. Seminars are based in your work environment for a period of two hour.
Having structured injury prevention and reporting systems in place is a valuable tool for any business. Early detection and treatment of minor problems can save businesses thousands of dollars in future lost productivity and insurance payments. ONPC Port is able to develop such systems for businesses.
B. A typical system may include
- Visit the work place environment to assess the different work stations and identify potential injury concern
- Review previous injury statistics for patterns
- Rate injury identified areas and plan strategies for injury prevention
- Review previous injury statistics for patterns
- Rate injury identified areas and plan strategies for injury prevention
- Appropriate lectures/workshops for workers/ team leaders to inform of injury risks
- Report detailing potential injury risks and preventative measures taken
- Create platform for early injury reporting and appropriate management
- Create platform for early injury reporting and appropriate management
- Creation of home/ work programme for self-management and continuity in the work place
- Create communication pathways for early assessment
- Initiate onward referral for other medical services if requiret
- Initiate onward referral for other medical services if required.
- Dr. Kumar Physiotherapy lecture/ workshop to workers
- Development of worker specific strengthening/ fitness programmes
- Review ongoing statistics for prevention effectiveness
- Regular reviews with workers to maintain prevention effectiveness
- Report detailing potential injury risks and preventative measures taken
- Initiate referral to appropriate medical specialist
- Early PhysioPort Physiotherapy consultation for assessment/ advice/ rehabilitation
- Rehab fitness and strength to return/ maintain worker in workplace environment
- Progress Reports to workplace
Prevention of injuries is always more cost effective than the continual loss in productivity when workers are regularly injured through poor hazard and early injury identification. Knowing that your staff can access expert physiotherapy care if they are injured and the knowledge that one provider is managing your staff’s care is invaluable to any business. Our previous involvements with businesses have shown to have resulted in a positive outcome from risk education to early injury assessment and appropriate management of injuries.
Requirement for In-company Physiotherapy setup for corporate
- One Time Presentations (Ergonomics & Muscular Skeletal Disorder at workplace
- Periodic Presentations and workshops (Ergonomics)
- In Company Physiotherapy Setup
Conference Room with Projector and Screen
Conference Room with Projector and Screen Separate room with couch for physical assessment and demonstration of exercises
- Separate Medical Room for consultations
- Separate room with couch for Exercises
- Electric Points for Instruments
Various packages of treatment at costs to suit most needs. Written reports at various stages thought out the employee’s treatment. Employee assessments can be carried out at the A Physiotherapy clinic in Stirling, in the employee’s own home, or in the workplace depending on your wishes.
The central clinic is open from 09.0 AM until 2.PM Monday to Saturday and from 05.PM-9.00 PM Sunday from 9 AM to 2 PM. We also have other satellite clinic locations available across the country.
Referred clients are called within 24h to make an appointment and our operations staff pro-actively manage each case to ensure that the client is rehabilitated as quickly as possible and that the administrative processes are thorough and to agreed timescales.
All of our staff are passionate about the quality of service that we provide. We pride ourselves on being a client-focused company, both in our dealings with corporate customers and our privately funded clients.
At Physique Physiotherapy we provide an extensive range of services to help keep your staff healthy and pain-free. As well as working towards preventing pain/injury we also provide quick access to physiotherapy when it is needed preventing long-term sick leave and helping employees quickly back to work.